Up Your Content Game by Looking Closely at the Service Provider Buying Cycle
In an earlier blog we outlined five dynamics that make the cable market unique and discussed how they affect content creation for broadband equipment vendors. In this one we’ll take a closer look at the service provider buying cycle and the opportunities it creates to inform and inspire some really good, highly targeted content. First things first: most marketers are familiar with the B2B marketing funnel – the traditional view of how a buyer moves from stranger to prospect to customer....

5 Dynamics That Make Content Development Interesting in the Cable Tech Market
While most high tech markets have their own set of unique dynamics, cable has a heartbeat all its own. It’s a fascinating space that’s full of interesting and intensely smart people, many of whom have been working in cable for decades. Technology transitions in cable may happen less frequently than in other markets, but when they do, they’re big. And the longevity of the HFC infrastructure continues to impress, with operators eying 10 Gbps as their next frontier. If you’re a marketer in the...

5 Ways Your Content May Be Inadvertently Creating a Dead End
At Cabral Communications, we’re hyper-focused on building content that draws readers deeper into the marketing funnel. We love it when people view an infographic then open a tech brief to learn more, or read an e-book and sign up for a free trial. In most cases, that’s how the journey goes. But sometimes content doesn’t provide a clear next step, or it drives readers to bail out before getting to an all-important call to action. Here, we call them “dead ends” – and sometimes marketers create...

7 Tips to Strengthen Your Content: Creating Newsletters That Foster Interaction
If you’ve written or distributed a newsletter in your career, you likely know that opens aren’t enough. Newsletters present a great opportunity to deliver value and establish a two-way dialog with those who can make a huge difference in your business. They can also help you breathe new life into the content you’ve already developed. In this blog, we’ll share some tips to help you create newsletters that will entice your target audience not only to click and read – but to take action. 1. Put...

7 Tips to Strengthen Your Content: Building Brochures That Help You Compete
While brochures haven’t received much attention lately, they still fill some important roles in the marketing mix. They’re a great way to go deep into the benefits of your solution, they provide a tangible asset to send prospects when they ask for more information and they create a valuable CTA on your product page. But not all brochures are created equal. The best ones can position you for success and give you a leg up on your competition. In this blog, we’ll share some tips to help you...